Healing past traumas with Emotional Freedom Techniques / EFT & Matrix

Healing past traumas with Emotional Freedom Techniques / EFT & Matrix

Mental health issues have recently been more evident in the media, there are often news articles on someone who has taken their own life (and sometimes others’ lives with them).  Yet we still hear “how selfish they were leaving their loved ones like that”.  It saddens me when I hear this often-stated phrase. It shows a complete lack of understanding of the true nature of depression.  The feelings of complete hopelessness and helplessness and absolute feelings of “needing to get out of the awful place we’ve found ourselves in” cannot be just brushed to one side with a shopping trip, chat with a friend of whatever distraction is suggested.  In my own experience when feeling that low, it’s hard to connect with anyone.  This is why I feel EFT and Matrix Reimprinting and other very similar therapies should be made available on the NHS instead of prescribing expensive drugs which usually have unwanted side effects.  Dismissing someone who is feeling depressed is extremely unhelpful, they need to be heard and accepted as they are, and to feel loved.

Getting Started

When starting with EFT, it’s helpful just to start! I’ve found a little thought prior to a session is helpful but if we trust our intuition, then our inner self will guide you where you need to go. I have found that we can also heal other issues not obviously associated with what we’re focusing on.  You don’t need lots of time to do EFT, a few minutes can help.

Finding out What’s Going on

A very useful guide with EFT is if we feel defensive about an issue, that’s a definite sign that there’s work to be done! This is especially true if we find ourselves blaming others for our behaviour or for our life not working.

We can often find something to “make us angry” – bad driving, our children/babies playing up, a colleague at work being annoying etc.  By chipping away at various issues which have arisen, the anger has simply dissolved and doesn’t seem to be a part of my life now in the main. 

Remember other people will show us where we haven’t healed! Their “stuff” and reactions to us will trigger us, whether we like it or not!

Let’s get tapping and clearing!

Healing past traumas with Emotional Freedom Techniques / EFT & Matrix, Healing past traumas with Emotional Freedom Techniques / EFT & Matrix, Massage Therapist based near Petworth and Midhurst, West Sussex

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